Green’s Dictionary of Slang

crimes! excl.

also crimey!

a euph. for Christ! excl.; usu. in mild oaths.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 5 Nov. 13/4: [A] box of [sulfur matches] went off in a boozer’s pocket. His remark, on feeling and smelling the case, was: ‘By crimes! In H— already!’ He was fined five peg.
[UK]Western Times 7 Feb. 3/4: O crimes! You jes’ look out.
[UK]O. Onions Peace in Our Time 108: Kenneth jumped inwardly. Crimes!
[UK]E. Raymond Marsh 149: As he was all flashed up, I went up to ’im and arst, ‘Got a copper, mate?’ [...] and Crimes, he turned out to be a bleedin’ split!
[Aus]D. Niland Shiralee 132: Aw, crimey, Mac, nobody can help gettin’ crook.