Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mutt and jeff n.

[the US cartoon characters, Mutt and Jeff, introduced by H.C. ‘Bud’ Fischer in 1907]

1. the King George V Silver medal Jubilee and the Edward VIII Coronation medals or ribbons or the 1918 Victory and Overseas medals or ribbons, which are invariably worn together.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (1984) 770: 1918.

2. (orig. US) a pair of stupid, bungling men; also as adj.

[US]E.E. Cummings in Dupee & Stade Sel. Letters (1972) 4 June 26: By failing to get up at the hour of 5.45 AM I escaped departing with the bums mutts and jeffs (not to say ginks, slobs, and punks) who came over with us.
[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Young Manhood in Studs Lonigan (1936) 212: The two of them looking like Mutt and Jeff.
[US]B. Schulberg On the Waterfront (1964) 42: Runty Nolan and big, bull-voiced Moose McGonigle, a Mutt-and-Jeff combo who did a lot of drinking and clowning together.
[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Airtight Willie and Me 58: A pair of sharply dressed Mutt and Jeff Italian dudes.
[US](con. 1986) G. Pelecanos Sweet Forever 51: Mutt and jeff were back on the couch.

3. (US) foolish conversation.

[UK]M. Huxley in A. Huxley Letters (1969) 426: A sort of Mutt and Jeff on war and peace and religion and so on .

4. (US Und.) a pair of (usu. police) interrogators who work as ‘nice’ and ‘nasty’, in order to elicit information; also as adj.

[US] Wash. Post 30 Aug. A13/1: One of the FBI interrogation techniques is the old ‘Mutt and Jeff’ routine taught by Army Intelligence. It operates this way: One agent abuses his subject, firing tough questions and snide accusations. Then the other agent, who acts as the higher-ranking of the two, reprimands his partner and treats his subject with kid gloves.
[US]E. Torres Carlito’s Way 15: Big Jeff from the ‘Mutt and jeff’ detective team from the Twenty-Third.
[US]D. Woodrell Muscle for the Wing 140: You changed parts [...] First he was jeff and you was Mutt. Now he’s comin’ on Mutt and you get to be Jeff.
[Can]O.D. Brooks Legs 34: The typist looked up, nodded at Mutt and Jeff and went back to poking the keys with index fingers.