Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gas v.4

(US drugs)

1. to sniff gasoline fumes.

[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).

2. to commit suicide by inhaling car exhaust fumes.

[UK](con. 1974) Z. Smith White Teeth 6: He’s gassing himself, Abba.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

gas (someone) up (v.)

1. (US) to pressurize.

Kanye West untitled track on College Dropout [album] 🎵 Something I was saying to gas them up – to try to push the price up or whatever.

2. to excite someone.

[US]R. Price Lush Life 85: Stop calling Langolier and gassing up his head with all the bullshit you hear on the street .
[US]Woods & Soderburg I Got a Monster 14: Jenkins gassed Stepp up some more over the phone, told him Stevenson was a ‘drug lord’.
gas up someone’s head (v.) (also gas someone’s head up) [fig. use of SAmE gas up, to fill up with petrol]

(US) to destroy someone, usu. emotionally but occas. physically.

[US]R. Price Clockers 5: Flirting with other guys in front of their boyfriends, gassing up their heads.
‘Marion’ posting 15 Nov. at 🌐 If he’s a real man, he’ll be with the woman HE loves and wants to be with—and it’s not BABY GIRL—so, stop gassing her head up with this nonsense!!
[US] 7 Mar. 🌐 Ex-CSer Turdslinga says ‘Greco blowssss and don’t gas up his head’.
‘enchantress’ posting 27 Jan. at 🌐 It’s ya girl enchantress back from the dead / Dime for life you know niggas gas up my head.
‘freaky_ma69’ home page on 🌐 Do you think I was dumb / To give you anotha chance? / You gassed up my head / With some *bleep* called ‘romance’.
[US]Simon & Price ‘All Due Respect’ Wire ser. 3 ep. 2 [TV script] You just gas up my head here?