Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mammy-rammer n.

euph. for motherfucker n.

[US]A. Baraka Tales (1969) 20: Yeh, mammy-rammer.
[US]B. Malamud Tenants (1972) 122: And I see that you a mammyrammer blowhard fart that has no respect for hisself.

In derivatives

mammy-ramming (adj.) (also mammy-rammy)

euph. for motherfucking adj.

[US]R. Jessup Sailor 268: Who! The mammy-rammy law! That’s who!
posting at 22 Dec. 🌐 Oh, steal my fucking idea will you will? Fucking mammy ramming shitfaced cockmaster. I’ll stick a red hot poker up yer arse and stick yer nuts in the vice.
posting at 9 Dec. 🌐 Go fuck your deep fried mother you mammy ramming cretin!!!!!