Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shat adj.

also shat-off
[past participle of shit v. (1a); thus cognate with pissed adj.2 or pissed off adj.]

(Aus./N.Z.) very angry, furious.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1044/2: since ca. 1945.
‘IMM Archive’ at 20 July 🌐 But what troubles me the most about the Internet is when someone sends you some long screed asking for the world of information [...] [a]nd they get shat off when you reply with ‘Pass, thanks.’.
‘Ian’ at Alcoholics Anonymous 🌐 But I was thoroughly shat off because I had not received my promised ‘spiritual awakening as a result of doing these steps’ as it clearly states in Step 12.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 184: shat/shat off Angry or depressed. ANZ c1945.