Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fatcha n.

[Ital. faccia, face]

(Ling. Fr./Polari) the human face; thus fatcha / fake the fatcha v., to shave, to put on make-up.

[UK]H. Young Lex. of Polari 🌐 fatcha face.
[UK]Juha ‘Polari’ 🎵 on Polari [album] Beach in the screech. Alamo jo! / This dizzy hoofer gonna dowry jeebo. / Varda me fatcha, meshigner bona. / Savvy you gettin fericadooza.
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 292/1: fatcha to shave or apply make-up.
[UK]R. Milward Man-Eating Typewriter 528: His freshly fatchared carnish.