Green’s Dictionary of Slang

epic adj.


[UK]A. Hollinghurst Swimming Pool Library 221: I was by far the most attractive person in the room, and I wanted something ravishing and epic .
A. Swofford Jarhead 70: The medulla oblongata shot is the most coveted shot, the epic shot.
Urban Dict. 10 July 🌐 Listen to this song it’s so epic .
[UK]J. Fagan Panopticon (2013) 222: Jumping out into empty space [...] The buzz is fucking epic.
[US]M. Lacher On the Bro’d 25: The most epic ride in my life went down next.
[US]D. Rucker Life’s Too Short 107: We make hundreds of copies and send them everywhere, an epic CD blast.

In derivatives

epically (adv.)

in a remarkable manner.

[UK]A. Hollinghurst Swimming Pool Library 54: A very well-hung kid [...] brought me off epically during the next film .
[US]R.A. Dickey Wherever I Wind Up 11: It’s hard to get baseball fans in Texas to boo you, but I have done it, with a pitching line that isn’t just bad, but epically bad.