Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spritz n.

[Yid. spritz, spray]

1. carbonated water as a mixer for drinks.

[US]Chapman NDAS.

2. a light shower of rain.

[US]Chapman NDAS.

3. any form of spray, e.g. of blood.

C.G. Hart Death in Lovers’ Lane 160: I walked closer and brushed against flowing ferns and felt an icy spritz of water.
C. Clyde Lady in Black 170: The exploding cranium decorated the large Italian baritone with a spritz of blood as his body whizzed backward.

4. a spontaneous stage performance.

S.F. Weekly 17 Mat. 🌐 Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth [...] seduces viewers with his off-the-cuff riffs and vibrant spritz, only to swing them into the vortex of his emotional whirlpool.

5. a spray, i.e. for applying liquid into a constricted space.

[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 65: [A]ppropriate props [...] included a nitro spritz for the safe.

6. see schpritz n.