Green’s Dictionary of Slang

trull n.

[Ger. Trulle, a prostitute]
(UK Und.)

1. a prostitute.

[UK]Hickscorner Ci: What ye dawes wolde redeed me For to lesse my pleasure in youth and jolyte To basse and kysse my sweete trully mully As Jane Cate Besse and Sybble.
[UK]J. Rastell The Four Elements line 1266: For to satisfye your wanton lust, I shall apoynt you a trull of trust.
[UK]J. Heywood Play of Love in Farmer Dramatic Writings (1905) 154: I thus decked at all points point device, / At door where this trull was I was as a trice.
[UK]T. Drant (trans.) ‘The seconde Satyre’ Horace his Satyres Bk I Avii: The stewes, and stained house of drabbes [...] The beggers, and the tumblynge trulles.
[UK]T. Tusser Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie (1878) 85: Sow pease (good trull).
[UK]B. Riche Farewell to Military Profession (1992) 176: That villain whoremonger and his trull.
[UK]Greene Notable Discovery of Coosnage in Grosart (1881–3) X 40: These trafickes, these common truls I meane, walke abroad either in the fields or streetes that are commonly hanted, as stales to draw men into hell.
[UK]Chapman All Fooles IV i: I will not hear a word; out, out upon thee! Wed without my advice, my love, my knowledge, Ay, and a beggar, too, a trull, a blowse!
[UK]Davies of Hereford Scourge of Folly 40: I maruell that Sardinius is so old, When he is Cocking still with euery Trull.
[UK]Beaumont & Fletcher Wild-Goose-Chase IV ii: A Dairy-Maid? A Tinkers-Trull: Heaven bless me.
[UK]J. Taylor ‘Taylors Goose’ in Works (1869) I 110: There sits a Cheater with a simple Gull, / And there an honest woman, there a Trull.
[UK]W. Cartwright Ordinary IV i: I took one Andrew Credulous this morning / In dishonest adultery with a trull.
[UK]Ford Lady’s Trial III i: Wench is your trull, your blouze, your dowdie.
[UK]St Hilary’s Tears in Harleian Misc. II (1809) 215: From the Covent-Garden Lady of Iniquity, to the Turnbal-street Trull.
[UK]Greene & Lodge Lady Alimony II vi: Yes, that’s the plague on’t, – lose a light-heel’d trull.
[UK]‘Peter Aretine’ Strange Newes title: Also the mad flights [...] used by the Wandring-Whore, her Bawds, Mobs, Panders, Pads and Trulls for the drawing of young Hectors.
[UK] ‘A Furious Scold’ in Ebsworth Westminster Drolleries (1875) 37: Was ever a man so vex’d with a Trull.
[UK]J. Ray Proverbs (2nd edn) 75: Wenches are tinkers bitches, girles are pedlars trulls, and modhdhers are honest mens daughters.
[UK]M. Stevenson Wits Paraphras’d 118: Must Country Trulls have all the sport / And starve the Ladyes of the Court?
[UK]N. Ward London Spy VII 173: Soldiers and their Trulls were Skipping and dancing about to most Lamentable Musick.
[UK]Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 6: To have her full / Of sport, she’s run away a Soldier’s Trull.
[UK]A. Smith Lives of Most Noted Highway-men, etc. I 77: The Trull, fearing they should then be put to a Non-plus, she wav’d ’em.
[UK]‘Whipping-Tom’ Expensive Use of Drinking Tea I 16: There is scarce a Trull in any Market about London, or Mechanicks Drab but what must have her Load of hot Water and Sugar, five or six Times a Day.
[UK]Ladies Delight 28: The Dunghill Trapes, trickt up like virtuous Trull.
[UK]Smollett Roderick Random (1979) 279: In short, Strap, it is my opinion that you are egregiously imposed upon; and that this friend is no other than a rascal who wants to palm his trull upon you for a wife.
[UK]Scoundrel’s Dict. 23: This bouncing Trull can finely talk, / she will do for a Penny.
[UK]Nancy Dawson’s Jests 36: No longer shall trudge, now each draggle tail trull, / Thro hail, rain or snow, to pick up a cull.
[UK]Bridges Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 249: He met the devil of a flock [...] Of soldier’s trulls, and other harlots.
[UK]‘Peter Pindar’ ‘The Lousiad’ Works (1794) I 208: A vile old trull!
[UK]W. Godwin Caleb Williams (1966) 62: By and by she would be a whore, and at last no better than a common trull, and rot upon a dunghill.
[Scot]C.K. Sharpe letter 23 July Correspondence (1888) I 178: Not so my Lord C., who will drink with any one, and moreover keeps a trull at a turnpike gate about half a mile from Oxford.
[UK]D. Humphreys Yankey in England 62: Tippling — gambling . . . or running after the trulls, like the Count!
[UK]W. Perry London Guide 118: Many are the gradations from that highest degree of prostitiution, down to the trulls that parade the streets by day.
[UK] ‘Jacko and Judas’ Slops Shave at a Broken Hone 21: To the great mirth of orange-girls and [...] trulls, tinkers, crimps, and tailors.
[UK]R. Nicholson Cockney Adventures 3 Feb. 111: Sergeant Terry, usually came home accompanied by one of those ladies of easy virtue and accommodating manners, ycleped soldiers’ trulls.
[UK]New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 34: An anti-room is mostly filled with coal-heavers, their ‘vim-men,’ costermongers and dolls, soldiers with their trulls.
[UK]Yokel’s Preceptor 9: Flabby Poll. This is a dirty slovenly trull, a regular lushington and prig.
[Scot]Dundee Courier 26 Nov. 4/2: It may be that ‘levanting’ is scarcely a proper term for the flight of a trull and her paramour.
[Aus]M. Clarke Old Tales of a Young Country 13: He was detected in picking the pocket of a trull in Drury-lane Theatre.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) 11: Trull - Contraction of ‘troll’ or ‘trollop’.
[US]W.R. Cobbe Dr. Judas, A Portrayal of the Opium Habit 160: He may be and often is a criminal; this habit being on the increase among trulls, (who add thieving to their nefarious business).
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 5 Oct. 3/4: The Chinaman’s trull, Jessie ;lennox.
[UK]A. Hayward in Brown Amusements Serious and Comical [Intro.] xv: He [...] carried on amours with women of no reputation at all — mere trulls whom he picked up in the shadiest haunts and alleys.
[Aus] (con. 1830s–60s) ‘Miles Franklin’ All That Swagger 239: He is as aisy wid an owld trull, and with a young wan too, be japers, as he is with the most innocent and schwell young gurrl.
[Aus](con. 1940s) T.A.G. Hungerford Sowers of the Wind 144: Just let any Jap trull come near me, and I’ll show her the way out.
[US]R. Todasco Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Dirty Words.

2. a tinker’s or soldier’s companion.

[UK]Tinker of Turvey Epistle 1: Many a Tinkers Trull haue I bum-fiddled.
[UK]J. Phillips Maronides (1678) VI 66: One all in Armour Back and Brest / [...] / The other a fat bossie Trull.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew.
[UK]Newcastle Courant 1 July n.p.: The honest man was put in such a good humour, that soon after he married a Soldier and his Trull gratis.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]London Standard 6 Dec. 2/1: Some of these beggar’s trulls are women with curious histories.

3. a sluttish, idling woman.

[UK]Thackeray Yellowplush Papers in Works III (1898) 247: Look here, sir [...] at the conduck of your precious trull of a daughter.