Green’s Dictionary of Slang

johnny-jump-up n.

[joc. ref. to its effects]

(Irish) a bottle of cider, or mix of beer and cider.

[Ire]D. MacDonagh Happy as Larry Act IV: Christmas whiskey laced with Red Biddy / Bath-brewed beer and Johnny Jump-Up.
[Ire]M. Verdon Shawlies, Echo Boys, the Marsh and the Lanes 35: Then you had your old music hall songs. ‘Johnny Jump up’ by Tim Jordan [...] His song went like this: O never o never o never again / if I live to a hundred or a hundred and ten / For I fell to the ground and I couldn’t get up / After drinking a quart of that Johnny Jump Up.
J. Seymour Blessed Isle n.p.: For I fell to the ground and I couldn’t get up / After drinking a quart of the Johnny Jump Up.
[Ire]G. Coughlan Everyday Eng. and Sl. 🌐 Johnny-jump-up (n): pint of guinness mixed with Bulmers (cider).
Coughlan & Hughes Irish lang. and Culture 123: A Johnny-jump-up mixes Guinness and cider.
Cities Book 158: Drink locally made Johnny Jump-Up cider at Neáchtains.