Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spanked adj.

[fig. use of SE spank]

1. intoxicated.

[US]S. Graham N.Y. Nights 73: The reporter was a little unsteady. ‘I was well spanked before you came along,’ he explained.
Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 spanked adj 1. intoxicated. (‘I was spanked last night.’).

2. (UK teen/US campus) defeated, worn out.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 8: raped – beaten badly in a game. Also spanked. [Ibid.] 9: spanked – worn out because of overuse: ‘My old car is spanked’.
[UK]Independent 5 Jan. 🌐 Many competing coinages express the same notion. This can be seen in the [...] multiple synonyms for [...] exhausted: wreckaged, bonked, spanked, and clappin’.