Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Jimmy n.3

(Aus.) (in Tas.) a measure of James Boag brand beer.

Google 22 Oct. 🌐 In Northern Tasmania if you asked for ‘Jimmies’ they’d give you a sixpack - ‘Jimmy’ being the nickname of their local beer, Boags.
Railpage 27 May 🌐 I thought ‘Boagies’ were people who quite like that Tasmanian drop (i.e. me)? [reply] No, they are ‘Jimmies’ (i.e. ‘Jimmaaay!!’) as in Jimmy (James) Boags!!
Udonmap 2 July 🌐 They didnt sell any Jimmies, so asked them for a 2 dogs (Cascade Permium, with the 2 Tassie Tigers on the label).