Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gosh-awful adj.

(orig. US) especially appalling; a euph. for God-awful adj.; also as adv.

[US]Ade More Fables in Sl. 125: This record gave her goshawful Standing in the Chautauqua.
[US]Alaska Citizen 28 Aug. 7/3: Love’s young dream received some gosh-awful jars.
[US]O.O. McIntyre White Light Nights 162: Either someone is doing some gosh-awful kidding in our theater or I am hopelessly dumb.
[US](con. 1900s) S. Lewis Elmer Gantry 125: A real gosh-awful turble bed of sure-enough coals.
[UK]M. Marshall Tramp-Royal on the Toby 84: In spite of the gosh-awful torture of getting there I got there.
[US]F. Brown Fabulous Clipjoint (1949) 6: It was a gosh-awful hot day.
[US]Mad mag. July 16: Darn it! What’s this? A gosh-awful frame-up?
[US]R.F. Bauerle ‘Miscellany’ in AS XXXIII:1 79: goshawful, adj. A euphemistic alteration of god-awful. 9 May 🌐 Yes, we have MANY units that routinely commit one or more of the above-listed ‘sins’; and yes, we have been goshawful slow in spreading modern minimum-impact programs like LNT completely into every nook and cranny of BSA.
Reason Online 11 June 🌐 Jagger’s music has lately taken a spiritual turn, with the goshawful ‘God Gave Me Everything I Want’ assaulting the ears of those listening to various radio stations.

In derivatives

gosh-awfulness (n.)


[UK]Wodehouse Right Ho, Jeeves 28: In her spiritual make-up there is none of that subtle gosh-awfulness.
Epinions 20 Nov. 🌐 I know. It has the fetid stench of Cable Guy-goshawfulness to it, but sometimes you’re the kid with the ten-ton, titanium-enforced tushie, sometimes you’re Santa’s knee.