Green’s Dictionary of Slang

high-brown adj.

also high-colour
[high brown n. (1)]

(US) mixed-race.

[US]Alberta Hunter ‘Aggravatin’ Papa’ 🎵 If I catch you out with your high-brown baby, / I’ll smack you down, and I don’t mean maybe!
[US]W. Coburn Law Rides the Range 203: Take it easy, you high brown cake-walker, or I’ll send you up to nigger heaven.
[US]N. Algren Walk on the Wild Side 181: Warren Gamaliel was actually closer to being high-brown.
[WI]C. Hyatt When Me Was A Boy 43: In them days Rae Town was a high class residential area. Mostly British and high colour Jamaican did live down there.
[US]N. Tosches Where Dead Voices Gather (ms.) 195: Its metaphors were purely American and still of the moment: the Sheik of Alabam’ made those ‘high-brown babies’ howl.