Green’s Dictionary of Slang

buppie n.

also bluppy, bumpie, buppy
[SE black + yuppie n.]

1. (orig. US) a black upwardly mobile young professional.

[US]Atlanta Journal/Constitution 3 Aug. G-1/1: Fulton’s top Buppie, [County Council Chairman] Michael Lomax.
[UK]Sun. Times 12 Oct. 48: Subsequently the categorisation was refined to include the guppy (gay urban professional) and the bluppy (black urban professional).
[US]N. McCall Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 279: A buppie, a single black heterosexual male with a job.
[UK]Observer 12 Nov. 5: They were termed ‘buppies’ (black, upwardly mobile) to go alongside the yuppies who were taking over the City. Now the buppies have moved to the countryside.
[US]N. McCall Them (2008) 24: Self-absorbed buppies, puffed-up over fancy houses and big-shot careers.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[US]N. George ‘Up from Integration’ in Buppies, B-Boys, Baps and Bohos (1994) 108: To label them buppie books is too pejorative [...] though they are products of an era that made black urban professionals possible.