Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kiss-ass n.

[kiss-ass adj.]

(orig. US) a toady, a sycophant.

[UK]W. Eyster Far from the Customary Skies 116: Oklahoma referred to him as, ‘that kiss-ass’.
[US]F. Hilaire Thanatos 17: You’re a kiss-ass—dig?
[US]W. Diehl Hooligans (2003) 15: He’s just a kiss-ass to the people on the green side of town.
[US]L. Rodríguez Always Running (1996) 50: Jose’s just a lambiche, a kiss-ass.
[US]Da Bomb 🌐 17: Kiss ass: Used to refer to another student who wants to be in good graces with the instructor; one who trys to be nice to gain favors.
[UK]L. Theroux Call of the Weird (2006) 151: He’s got to be a kiss-ass to keep his job.