Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Albertopolis n.

[proper name of Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1819–61) + sfx -opolis]

Kensington Gore, London, site of the Royal Albert Hall and the Albert Memorial.

[UK]Eve. Mail (London) 13 Apr. 2/3: Two propositions that now divide the [...] scientific versus the political, are the extension of the Museum and the transference of the natural history collection to the rising suburb of Albertopolis south of the Kensington-road.
[UK]G.A. Sala My Diary in America I 79: Tyburnia and South Kensington: – I beg pardon again: – Westbournia and Albertopolis.
[UK]London Dly News 7 Apr. 6/4: The course of the multifarious innovations which one now sees in this Albertopolis quarter.
[UK]Berks. Chron. 7 July 7/1: His fellow of St James’s, of Belgravia — yes, even of Albertopolis.
[UK]M. Quinion World Wide Words 🌐 The term Albertopolis seems to have been invented in the 1850s, but quickly vanished again and reappeared only as the result of an unsuccessful proposal earlier this decade to extend Albert’s vision.
[UK]Guardian 8 Dec. 🌐 The three museums, along with three colleges and a concert hall, occupy a 100 acres landscape seen by Queen Victoria’s consort, Prince Albert, as the legacy of the Great Exhibition of 1851. Museum chiefs still call the area Albertopolis. Feb. 🌐 [heading] Job going in Albertopolis. [...] Doors has a long history with the Interaction Design group at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London, and they need a new head.