Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dolly varden n.

[Dolly Varden, a character in Charles Dickens’s Barnaby Rudge (1841); the character was known for her colourful dress and launched a minor fashion fad c. 1872; note UK WW1 use: a German helmet]

1. a damasked skirt.

[US]C.G. Leland Gypsies 116: From [...] under the bed she raked out [...] an old Dolly Varden or damasked skirt.

2. the garden [rhy. sl.].

[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl.
[UK]S.T. Kendall Up the Frog 13: I’ve got to take the cock sparrer up the Dolly Varden fer some rosebuds.
[UK]D. Powis Signs of Crime 181: Dolly (Varden) Garden: ‘Ted’s in the dolly.’ (Dickens character.).
[UK]B. Kirkpatrick Wicked Cockney Rhy. Sl.