dell n.
1. a young woman on the tramp, spec. a young or ‘unbroken’ (i.e. virgin) prostitute; thus wild dell, such a young woman conceived or born under a hedge.
Hye way to the Spyttel House Eiii: Toure the patryng coue in the darkman cace / Docked the dell for a coper meke. | ||
Caveat for Common Cursetours in Viles & Furnivall (1907) 75: A Dell is a yonge wenche, able for generation, and not yet knowen or broken by the vpright man. These go abroade yong, eyther by the death of their parentes, and no bodye to looke vnto them, or els by some sharpe mystres that they seme, do runne away out of seruice; eyther she is naturally borne one, and then she is a wyld Dell: these are broken verye yonge; when they haue beene lyen with all by the vpright man, then they be Doxes, and no Dels. These wylde dels, beinge traded vp with their monstrous mothers, must of necessytie be as euill, or worsse, then their parents. | ||
Groundworke of Conny-catching [as cit. c.1566]. | ||
Belman of London C1: Walking Morts: some Dopers, others are Dels, the last and least are Kinchin-morts. | ||
Roaring Girle V i: I have [...] my dell and my dainty wild dell, with all whom I’ll tumble this next darkmans in the strommel. | ||
Beggar’s Bush II i: All your daintiest dells too / I will deflower, and take your dearest doxies. | ||
Spanish Gypsy IV i: We for our conies must get mallows; / Who loves not his dill, let him die at the gallows. | ||
Works (1869) III 8: Spakes the braue canting tongue, lyes with his dell, / Or pad, or doxi, or his bonny Nell. | ‘A Brood of Cormorants’ in||
Jovial Crew II i: Sir, if you are [...] Dispos’d to Doxie, or a Dell, / That never yet with Man did Mell. | ||
Eng. Rogue I 45: I met a Dell, I view’d her well. | ||
Canting Academy (2nd edn) 63: Dells are young bucksome Wenches, ripe, and prone to Venery, but have not yet lost their Maiden-heads, which is commonly done by the Uprightman, and then they are free for any of the Brotherhood. | ||
Academy of Armory Ch. iii item 68b: Give me leave to give you the names (as in their Canting Language they call themselves) of all (or most of such) as follow the Vagabond Trade, according to their Regiments or Divisions, as [...] Dells, Trulls, dirty Drabs. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: [as cit. 1674]. | ||
Triumph of Wit (5 edn) 184: The Dells are young Wenches that yet retain their Maiden-heads, which by their Custom they must Sacrifice to the Upright-Man, before they can be free with the Brotherhood. | ||
‘Canter’s Serenade’ in Musa Pedestris (1896) 43: Ye morts and ye dells / Come out of your cells, / And charm all the palliards about ye. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. | |
Scoundrel’s Dict. 22: This doxy Dell can cut been whids. | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
(con. 1737–9) Rookwood (1857) 53: Dead drunk, his liquor having been drugged by his dells. |
2. a prostitute.
New News Strange News 4: Those Libidinous Goats have been Coach’d Caroach’d and Sedland to their Cockatrician, Meretrician (Dames, Dels, and Doxies). | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Dells [...] also a common strumpet. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Vocabulum. | ||
Aus. Sl. Dict. 23: Dells, flash women. |
In phrases
(UK Und.) the woman accomplice of a criminal gang-leader (cf. doxy n.).
New Canting Dict. n.p.: arch-rogue the Dimber-Damber, Upright-man or Chief of a Gang; as Arch-Dell, or Arch-Doxy signifies the same Degree in Rank among the Female Canters and Gypsies. | ||
, , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. n.p.: arch-rogue, the [...] Chief of a Gang; as Arch-Dell or Arch-Doxy signifies the same Degree in Rank among the female Canters and Gypsies. | |
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Modern Flash Dict. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open. |