Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pov adj.

(Aus.) second-rate, cheap, unattractive.

[Aus]Aus. Word Map 🌐 pov. bad form, untrendy, cheap and nasty: Mum, your hairstyle is really pov.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald Tempo 11 Aug. 3: Guide to real teenage slang ... Pov: not good (especially in the sense of something done on the cheap).
[Aus]Aus. Word Map n.p.: povbad form, untrendy, cheap and nasty: Mum, your hairstyle is really pov; This TV programme is pov [Ibid.] pov[…] This word is used in many Eastern suburbs private schools to denigrate kids from state schools expecially those schools in poorer suburbs.
J. Lambert Macquarie Aus. Sl. Dict. 159/2: pov 1. poor. A shortening of the word ‘poverty’. 2. bad, pathetic, uncool. Used chiefly by adolescents who associate poverty with lack of sophistication, style, and the like - kids can be so cruel .
R. O’Neill ‘Ocker’ in The Drover’s Wives (2019) 181: The drought of 18— had left them without a brass razoo and now they were pov.

In compounds

pov cone (n.)

(Aus.) a small, cheap icecream cone sold by McDonalds.

Diaryland 11 Aug. 🌐 ‘We’re so poor, we refer to the 30c McDonald’s ice-creams as ‘Pov’ cones’.
OzHipHop.Com Forum 20 Nov. 🌐 HEY.. NOW YOU’VE JUST GONE TO FAR WILLIAM. I LOVE MY POVERTY CONE..SWEETPOV CONES.....AND WHEN YOU GET THE BISCUITS AND DIP EM IN THAT SHIT...MAN..THATS THE BEST FEED A BOY CAN GET FOR UNDER A DOLLAR..DON’T BE DISSIN THAT SHIT. 5 Feb. 🌐 rachyloulou on 03/02/2015 - 12:13: It was only recently that Maccas put them up to 50c. I was getting them last year for 30c but went about a month ago and was shocked when they said it was 50c. [...] So driving past Hungry Jacks and seeing a huge 30c cone sign made my day! How long will Maccas take to drop the price again? / maxell86 on 05/02/2015 - 16:02: Pov cones are back!