Green’s Dictionary of Slang

nisht n.

also neesch, nish, nishta, nishte, nishtoise, nishtoisale
[synon. Yid.; nish is UK black use]


[UK]F. Norman in Lilliput 1 Feb. in Norman’s London (1969) 76: It was a right doddle and the chances of getting nicked were nisht.
[UK]R. Cook Crust on its Uppers 19: Odd period in London — but come to a rub: nishte.
[US]R. Shell Iced 199: Without a will, that man will do doody-squat! Neeesch!
[UK](con. 1979–80) A. Wheatle Brixton Rock (2004) 80: Apart from smoking single snouts and losing at domino [...] I ain’t doing nish.
[UK]N. Barlay Crumple Zone 33: He work wiv us two time he don’t know nish.
[UK]A. Wheatle Crongton Knights 7: ‘That ain’t gonna do zero nish!’.
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 295/2: nishta, nish, nishtoise, nishtoisale, nix nothing, no.