Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bunk up v.1

to help, esp. in climbing up or over an obstacle, when one person either lets the other stand on their back or links their hands to make a ‘stirrup’ into which the climber can put one foot and boost themselves upwards.

[UK]A. Morrison Tales of Mean Streets (1983) 151: It is true that this last did sometimes involve unpleasant exertion when the window was high and the boy heavy to bunk up.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 18 Mar. 4/8: He bunked our bunkers up with sucking pig.
[UK]C.G. Gordon Crooks of the Und. 241: He prevailed upon me to ‘bunk him up’ upon the wall.
[Aus]W. Dick Bunch of Ratbags 70: Hey, Terry, bunk us up on the wall an’ I’ll ’ave a look over.