Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lubberly adj.

also looberly, lubarly
[lubber n.]


[UK]W. Bullein Bk of Compoundes folio 68: If you haue any sausie loughte, or loitryng lubber within your house [...] There is no pretier medicen for this, [...] then boxyng [...] perhaps this will not alter his lubberly condicions, yet I assure you, it wil for a time chaunge his knauishe complexion.
[UK]T. Tusser Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie (1878) 17: To raise betimes the lubberlie, both snorting Hob and Margerie.
[UK]J. Calvin [trans.] Sermons vpon [...] Deuteronomie 1217: [Y]e shal see some lubberly loutes which [...] haue no care of any thing.
[UK]Greene Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay D3: Salue doctor Burden, this lubberly lurden, ill-shapte, and ill-faced.
[UK]Wily Beguiled 15: churms.: Since when? wil.: Why since you were bumbasted, that your lubberly legges would not carrie your lobcocke bodie.
[UK]Davies of Hereford Scourge of Folly 102: I cannot but weepe, To see thee looke so like a rotten Sheepe. Peace lowing Cow-babe, lubberly-hobberdy-hoy.
[UK]J. Taylor ‘World runnes on Wheeles’ in Works (1869) II 241: Many times a rich lubberly Clowne [...] may be matched with a beautifull or proper wel qualified and nobly descended Gentlewoman.
[UK]J. Taylor Juniper Lecture 97: I am ashamed to walk around with such a Lubberly Lout.
J. Barwick Querela Cantabrigiensis 16: [A] valiant Chamber-maid [...] relieved them by force, trampling under her feet in the kennell their great persecuter, a Lubberly Scotch Major.
[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk II 250: The foresaid lubberly fellows would not permit him the admittance into their society.
[UK]A. Brome ‘The New Knight Errant’ Songs and Poems 133: But Fortune that whore, still attended this Brewer, And did all his atchievements reward; And blindly did fling, on this lubberly thing, More honour, and made him a Lord.
[UK]W. Stanley The Roman horseleech 80: [T]his frequently proved great pastime, to see a great lubberly fellow tugge, and lift in vain, at that which a Boy, or Girl, had easily took up before him.
[UK]Otway Soldier’s Fortune III i: He’s none of your overgrown, lubberly Flanders jades.
[UK]N. Ward ‘A Trip to Jamaica’ Writings (1704) 156: The Lubberly Whelp here says I talks like a Fool.
[UK]Congreve Way of the World III iii: You think you’re in the country, where great lubberly brothers slabber and kiss one another when they meet.
[UK]A Society of Ladies Female Tatler (1992) (94) 183: A great looberly fellow very rudely pushed me from the wall.
[UK]W. King York Spy 4: A Squadron of lubarly Country Carles.
[UK]Laugh and Be Fat 121: When a Coward is Dubb’d for not Fighting but Feeding, / And Lubberly Brute is preferr’d for his Breeding.
[UK]Spy on Mother Midnight I 28: Keep it in a due Position, and give it it’s proper Motion; and, I think, in that lyes the Beauty of the Thing, and the Pleasure of the Use of it; for what signifies a great lubberly Machine, which moves slowly.
[UK]Smollett Reprisal II xiv: Here’s a lubberly dog, he dares not show his own face.
[UK]H. Brooke Fool of Quality I 204: Jack was a lusty lubberly Boy, about ten Years of Age.
[UK]Foote Capuchin in Works (1799) II 391: Damn these bare-booted beggars! a set of lazy, lubberly —.
[US]Adventures of Jonathan Corncob 190: Damnation to you [...] you lubberly rascal.
[UK]C. Dibdin ‘Bill Bobstay’ Collection of Songs II 124: Why the lubberly swabs, ev’ry fool can tell that.
[US]Irving & Paulding Salmagundi (1860) 259: You remind me of a lubberly Chinese who was flogged by an honest captain of my acquaintance.
[US]‘Hector Bull-us’ Diverting Hist. of John Bull and Brother Jonathan 65: She called him prating gabbler, liquorish glutton, lubberly lout, ruffian rogue, paltry customer, scoffing braggart, codshead booby, noddipeak simpleton, ninnihammer gnatsnapper, and various other names.
[UK]D. Carey Life in Paris 240: The lubberly sharper’s jib.
[UK]Berks. Chron. 10 Feb. 2/2: The print [...] certainly gives a very ludicrous representation of the lubberly face of the ‘pet lamb’.
[UK]W.J. Neale Paul Periwinkle 24: Now, you lubberly swab!
[UK]‘Epistle from Joe Muggins’s Dog’ in Era (London) 16 June 5/3: What a lot of lubbarly fellars kan see in. knockin trumpry pinkushons off sticks, I karnt imagine.
[US]T. Haliburton Sam Slick’s Wise Saws I 235: Little, chubby-cheeked, onmeanen, fat, lubberly, critters.
[UK]Broad Arrow Jack 5: Come out, you lubberly son of a cook.
[UK]J. Greenwood Low-Life Deeps 216: He was a shock-headed, heavy-featured, lubberly youth of about fifteen.
[UK]M.E. Braddon Mohawks II 181: Faith, were your principles as sound as your head you might be Treasurer now instead of that lubberly Norfolk squire.
[UK] ‘The Rival Dolls’ in ‘F. Anstey’ Mr Punch’s Model Music Hall 163: Your lubberly ways I objeck to.
[UK]Boy’s Own Paper 10 Nov. 88: ‘You lubberly son of a swab,’ roared the chef.
[US]P. Kyne Cappy Ricks 21: ‘Well I do declare!’ the skipper cried. ‘If that lubberly boy hasn’t got some sort of a ticket!’.
[UK]Yorks. Eve. Post 17 Oct. 5/2: Teetotalers is always half-lubberly men with pimples dotting their dials.
[US]W.R. Burnett Dark Hazard (1934) 106: I don’t like those big, lubberly dogs.
[UK]Birmingham Dly Post 8 Dec. 6/7: That great lubberly boy Bo-Bo.
[UK]Western Dly Press (Bristol) 20 Jan. 3/6: An awkward, lubberly recruit.