Green’s Dictionary of Slang

wallflowers n.

[joc. use of prev.]

old or second-hand clothes hanging up for sale.

[UK]H.T. Potter New Dict. Cant (1795) n.p.: wall flowers cloaths exposed to sale in Monmouth Street and other places.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Jan. XXIII 220/2: A coat suspended on a peg in Monmouth-street, is called a wall flower.
[Ire]Spirit of Irish Wit 29: ‘His brother sold wall-flowers in Monmouth-street’.
[UK]Flash Dict.
[UK]G. Kent Modern Flash Dict.
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 135/1: Wall flowers, old clothes exposed for sale.
[US]Matsell Vocabulum.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 93: Wall Flowers, second hand clothes hung up for sale.