Green’s Dictionary of Slang

question lay n.

[SE question + lay n.3 (1)]

(UK Und.) to be let into a house by a servant, telling him not to wake his sleeping master as you will wait, and proced to steal something.

[UK]C. Hitchin Regulator 19: The Question-Lay, alias that is to knock at the Door, and ask for the Gentleman of the House, if a Bed you desire the Servant not to disturb him, but you will wait untill he rises, and then an opportunity to steal something.
[UK](con. 1710–25) Tyburn Chronicle II in Groom (1999) xxvii: The Question Lay To knock at a Door early in the Morning and ask for the Master of the House, and if he’s a Bed, to desire the Servant not to disturb him, for you’ll wait till he rises, and so you take an Opportunity of stealing something.
[UK]Whole Art of Thieving .