Green’s Dictionary of Slang

affair n.2

[SE affair, a sexual relationship]

(gay) a current or former lover.

[UK]G. Westwood A Minority 208: Affair n. [...] also used of the partner, i.e. my affair.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 18: [...] 2. (Brit gay sl) one’s current lover of uncertain duration.
[US]Maledicta VI:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 136: A male homosexual may be having an affair but only in the U.K. is he likely to call his boyfriend his affair.
[US]M. Houlbrook Sun among Cities intro. 8: Cyril L. moved to London in 1932, at the age of 20. [...] In 1934 he wrote to Morris, his affair.
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 288/2: affaire, affaire someone with whom you have had a relationship.