Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Hollyweird n.

[the negative image of the film capital]

(US) Hollywood, California; also attrib.

[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 8 Feb. [synd. col.] John Wayne (of Hollyweird) doing the La Vie En Rose sector with a big party: Wayne, Women & Song.
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 27 Mar. [synd. col.] You figger this out: There are reports from Hollyweird concerning economy and consequent unemployment.
[UK]D. Gram Foxes (1980) 33: ‘Where’s she going?’ ‘Holly-weird.’.
[US]G. Tate ‘Stagolee Versus the Proper Negro’ in Flyboy in the Buttermilk (1992) 49: That, lo and behold, we’re now fully assimilated citizens of the republic – given so many starlit woogies showboating all over the Grammies [...] and the Hollyweird screen?
[US]National Lampoon Apr. 98: This is Hollyweird, babe-ola! [HDAS].
Total DVD 🌐 Hollyweird, USA. In a rather paranormal attempt at publicity, Disney is rumoured to be creating crop circles in various locations to promote their new science-fiction flick Signs with Mel Gibson.