Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ledge n.

[abbr SE legend]

an admirable, smart person.

[US]D. Jenkins You Gotta Play Hurt 227: ‘Looks like you’ll play Ursula Kutcher.’ ‘Wow, right.’ ‘What do you think about that?’ ‘She’s a ledge.’ ‘A what?’ ‘She’s a legend’.
Urban Dict. 21 Aug. 🌐 Ah Mate, Will's parties are Ledge!
[US]tweet on 12 May 🌐 Your mate Smithy a.k.a. The Bantersaurus Rex has some mula left on his nandos gift card and he’s like ‘mate let’s a have a cheeky nandos on me’ and you go ’Smithy my son you’re an absolute ledge’.
[US]tweet on 12 May 🌐 Your lad Calum whose an absolute ledge and the archbishop of banterbury will be like ‘brevs, lets have a cheeky nandos’.
[Ire]A. Killilea Boyo-wulf at 20 Mar. 🌐 Beowulf [...] was a pure ledge like, even the dogs on the street [...] knew who he was.