Green’s Dictionary of Slang

chalks n.

[ety. unknown; ? resemblance to sticks of chalk]

the legs.

[UK]G. Kent Modern Flash Dict.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.

In phrases

walk one’s chalks (v.) (also chalk, stir one’s chalks, walk the chalk, — the chalks)

to leave, to go away; also as imper.

[UK]F. Chalmer Unfortunate Man 2 109: You must walk your chalks, sir, you must indeed. You’d better go below.
[US]D. Crockett Exploits and Adventures (1934) 138: Boo-oo-oo! – O! wake snakes, and walk your chalks!
[US]T. Haliburton Sam Slick in England I 268: ‘Wake Snakes, and walk your chalks,’ sais I.
[UK]Disraeli Sybil Bk IV 80: I’d advise you and Hell Fire Dick to stir your chalks.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 10 Oct. 3/1: [He] bid them ‘hold their tongues, and walk their chalks’.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 9 Feb. 3/4: The Bench directed Foley to walk his chalks.
C. Reade Gold iv 2: There are riflemen among them that will bring you down like squirrels if you don’t walk your chalks in good time [F&H].
[US]T. Haliburton Nature and Human Nature I 225: Come, rouse up, wake snakes, and walk chalks, as the thoughtless children of evil say.
[UK]C. Kingsley Two Years Ago I 16: Here’s a good riddance [...] Cut his stick and walked his chalks.
[UK]M.E. Braddon Trail of the Serpent 362: So I valks my chalks, but I doesn’t valk ’em very far.
C.R. Thatcher Songs of the War 5: Milkmen give their customers warning / They’re leaving their usual walks / And off to the Wakamarina / Old Skyblue is walking his chalks [DNZE].
[Aus]Gympie Times (Qld) 11 jan. 3/6: He never goes away or withdraws, but he ‘bolts’ — he ‘slopes’ — he ‘mizzles’ [...] — he ‘walks his chalks’.
[US]Schele De Vere Americanisms 318: [...] when he dismisses an official, he is made to walk the chalk .
[UK]Western Times 20 Apr. 3/1: Soon they’ll walk their chalk, / For eve’ry work but lawyer work they either bilk or baulk.
[UK]Sl. Dict. 112: ‘Walk your chalks’ be off, or run away, ― spoken sharply by any one who wishes to get rid of a troublesome person.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 16: Chalk, [...] to make off [ibid.] 92: Walk your Chalks, clear away from this place.
[UK]Mirror of Life 26 May 3/2: [W]e hope those milk warriors who contest at Bat’s show for championship honours ‘walk their chalks’ to a better tune than this.
[UK]Portsmouth Eve. News 27 Sept. 4/1: I’ve learned it doesn’t do to talk [...] / An’ so I simply walk the chalk.
[UK](con. 1835–40) P. Herring Bold Bendigo 86: Don’t spoil him for the road, or we shall have to walk our chalks out of the county.