Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gemors n.

[synon. Afk.]

1. a mess, a confusion.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]J. Waring Hot Air 24: Occasionally disaster strikes, as when a Minister’s wife and the wife of an Administrator found themselves in identical frocks. ‘Wat ’n gemors!’.
J. Michener Covenant 792: She studied the mess left by the sorting and snorted, ‘Gemors, man’.
[SA]P. Slabolepszy ‘Return of Elvis’ Mooi Street (1994) 310: What happens if your whole life has been one big balls up [...] One big . . . gemors?
[SA]I. Mahomed Cheaper Than Roses in Perkins (1998) 60: Tant Sennah always said [...] the evil spirits die when they hear you read from the Bible. You know I don’t believe in all this gemors.
M. Du Preez Of Warriors, Lovers and Prophets 230: And then came the AWB gemors [mess]. Mangope specifically asked me not to include any AWB men, because his people wouldn’t accept it.

2. an insulting form of address.

[SA]D. Muller Whitey 37: ‘Djou forkkin’ gemors!’ he snapped.