Green’s Dictionary of Slang

seal n.2

[sealskin adj.]

(US) a black woman; later use also a black man.

[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 30 July [synd. col.] A ‘seal’ is Broadwayese for a colored gel.
[US]Mencken ‘Designations for Colored Folk’ in AS XIX:3 174: The DAE does not list such vulgar synonyms for Negro as [...] seal.
[UK]W. Donaldson Balloons in Black Bag 90: If the Major calls him darky, [...] eightball, seal, jungle bunny, skunk or Zulu to his face, we’re going to be short of a valuable new comedy act.
[US]I.L. Allen Lang. of Ethnic Conflict 47: Color Allusions, Other than ‘Black’ and ‘Negro’: seal [often fem. 1930].