Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kaboom! excl.

[ker- pfx + SE boom]

an onomat. term indicating a loud noise or explosion.

[Aus]B. Oakley Salute to the Great McCarthy 196: Up like a rocket, down like a stone. kaboom. A write-off.
[US]S. Ace Stand On It (1979) 154: He [...] let it slide right into the wall. Ka-boom!
[UK]S. Berkoff Decadence in Decadence and Other Plays (1985) 22: A minute atomic bomb [...] ka boom ka blast ke pling!
[Aus]G. Disher Crosskill [ebook] Maybe wire it [i.e. a bomb] to the telephone, ring the house and kaboom.
[UK]Guardian Guide 6–12 Nov. 6: Do you feel lucky? Well do you, you slag ponce?’ KA-BOOM!!!
[SA]Mail and Guardian (S. Afr.) 21 Dec.–3 Jan. 48: [cartoon] Three ATM’s – Ka-Boom!
[US]J.D. Vance Hillbilly Elegy 72: It was like we were living among land mines—one wrong step, and kaboom.