Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sensimillia n.

also sensamilia, sense, senseed, sensi, sinse, sinsemilla
[lit. ‘seedless’]

(orig. W.I./UK black teen) a variety of extremely potent marijuana; it has no seeds because it is isolated from male pollen during the blooming process; instead, the marijuana plant makes more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), thus intensifying the effects.

[Can]Maclean’s (Toronto) 12 Dec. 58: It’s called sinsemilla. ‘That’s Spanish for without seed, see. The trick is to weed out all the male plants and leave just the females. They’re the ones with the high THC content.’.
[US]H. Gould Fort Apache, The Bronx 289: Sensamilia [...] Pure female grass. No seeds.
[US] personal communication in Spears Sl. and Jargon of Drugs and Drink (1986) 454: sinse.
[Can]Totally True Diaries of an Eighties Roller Queen 20 July 🌐 We met these three guys and smoked some senseed. I got so buzzed pretty good.
[WI]Horace Ferguson [song title] Sensi Addict.
G. Hirshey Nowhere to Run 361: They are free-associating with the aid of some particularly uplifting sensimillia.
[US]Big Audio Dynamite ‘Ticket’ 🎵 Imported my sense, sent in the mail.
[US]T. Williams Crackhouse 147: blunt – cigar with most of the tobacco removed, refilled with cocaine and marijuana (coke blunt) or sinsemilla, Thai, indica, or other high-grade marijuana (buda blunt).
C. Welch Soul Rebel 5: Love and unity was attractive enough, but add to that a little intoxicating sensimillia and a ‘killer riddim’ and who could resist?
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 19: Sinse (Spanish) — Marijuana. [...] Sinsemilla — Potent variety marijuana.
[US]A. Mansbach ‘Crown Heist’ Brooklyn Noir 133: That’s weed, Jumpshot. Collie. Ishen. Ganja. Sensi. Goat shit.
B. Maitland Spider trap 168: Prime sensimillia ganja too, nothing cheap.