Green’s Dictionary of Slang

blobbermouth n.

also blobberlip
[blob v.1 (1) + SE mouth]

an indiscreet talker.

[UK]E.V. Kenealy Goethe: a New Pantomime in Poetical Works 2 (1878) 335: Reptile, Squabbler, Puppy, Sneak, / Blobberlip, Wasp, Crackbrain, Buffer.
[[UK]G.F. Northall Warwickshire Word-Book 31: Blobmouthed. Talkative].
[US] PADS XI 3: Blobber-mouth [...] A talkative person; one who will not keep a secret.
Harder Collection [DARE].
R. Chase Amer. Folk Tales 82: I done told you to keep that blobber mouth shut.
[US]in DARE.