Green’s Dictionary of Slang

squeek n.

1. (US campus) sexual intercourse.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 9: squeek – sexual intercourse. Used in women’s dorms.

2. (US teen) one who apes what is perceived as UK teen style, thus adj. squeekie.

[US]Kokomo Morn. Times (IN) 8 Sept. 10/4: [headline] A ‘squeek [...] wears ‘Englishy’ clothes [...] A ‘squeekie’ ourtfit for a boy would be: sweatshirt, English walkers (a type of shorts, not shoes), knee-highs (socks) and loafers. A girl squeek would wear a Beatle sweatwere [...] the hairdo is [...] a modified Beatle cut .

3. see squeak n. (1)