Green’s Dictionary of Slang

game on v.

also game off
[game v. (2)]

(orig. US black) to act deceitfully, to manipulate, to get an advantage over someone by underhand means.

[Ire]T. Murphy Whistle in the Dark Act III: Don’t you know fathers don’t have to game on to their children the great men they are?
[Ire](con. 1940s) B. Behan Confessions 151: It’s no good gaming on that you don’t know what ‘jaune’ or ‘bleu’ means.
[US]Cressey & Ward Delinquency, Crime, and Social Process 821: Get anything I want and nobody can game on me.
[US]Milner & Milner Black Players 29: Black and White prostitutes [...] were not gaming on her for anything as the men invariably were [...] Since Richard rarely spoke at length with the women, they had few opportunities to ‘game off’ him.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 238: game (on one) 1. Manipulate the behavior or feelings of another. 2. Outdo.
[US]W.D. Myers ‘what would jesus do?’ inWhat They Found 22: ‘Okay, sweetheart, there you are gaming on your best friend’s man’.