Green’s Dictionary of Slang

phoney v.

also phony, phoney up
[phoney adj.]

1. (US) to cheat, to swindle.

[US]Inter Ocean (Chicago) 25 Jan. 34/6: It’s not squealing to put up a holler for stuff you’ve been phonied out of.

2. (US) to counterfeit, to falsify, to make up.

[US]J. Lait Gangster Girl 17: The sap dames who get their hair phoneyed up pay the bad news.
[US](con. 1948) G. Mandel Flee the Angry Strangers 235: He phonied the ad-vertising.
[US]Mad mag. Apr. 38: Polish a few apples... Laugh at some ridiculous jokes ... phoney it up!
[US](con. 1940s) Malcolm X Autobiog. (1968) 144: Their accents so phonied up that [...] you wouldn’t even know they were Negroes.
[US]M. Baker Nam (1982) 147: I filed false reports. They phonied up what we gave them anyway.
[US]J. Wambaugh Golden Orange (1991) 100: The guy on his yacht, phoneying up that supplemental burglary report.