Green’s Dictionary of Slang

swizzle v.2

In phrases

I’ll be swizzled

a phr. of amazement, affirmation.

Burton’s Gentleman’s Mag. (Phila.) Feb. 72: You thought to fix my flint by calling out your confounded big names, and I’ll be swizzled if Uncle Sam aint got the keownterparts on ’em in one state alone.
A.B. Street Woods & Waters 113: Well, I’ll be swizzled ef that aire critter [...] didn’t reach out and [...] swing himself up jest like a squirrel.
[UK]Manchester Eve. News 11 Dec. 4/2: I’ll be gol swizzled if I don’t get enough outen theme there critters ter raise the mortgae, begosh!
[UK]Whitstable Times 31 Dec. 2/1: I never could get a woman to say ‘yes’ until last night, and I’ll be swizzled if I know how this one happened to.
[UK]Daily Gaz. for Middlesborough 25 Apr. 4/1: ‘Well, I’ll be swizzled!’ said the inspector, while the crowd shrieked with laughter.
G. Braddock Rex Kingdon in the North Woods 228: At last he spoke in the bewildered undertone of one merely thinking aloud: ‘Well, I’ll be swizzled!’.
C. Haywood Eddie’s Pay Dirt 58: ‘Well, I’ll be swizzled!’ said the first policeman.