Green’s Dictionary of Slang

paedo n.

also pedo

a paedophile; also attrib.

[US]B. McCarthy Vice Cop 72: At the time he was probably the biggest—by that I mean the most active, the most visible—pedo in New York.
A. Neilson Lying Kind 15: After all, a paedo's sick, like a rabid dog. He can't help himself.
A. Crumley Sputnik Caledonia 495: Jodie reckons it’s ninety-nine point nine per cent certain the guy’s a paedo. She's fourteen years old and she knows a paedo when she sees one, they’ve all got this slimy Mr Ordinary look about them.
[UK]J. Fagan Panopticon (2013) 17: They should take me round schools and kids’ clubs [...] like a sniffer dog [...] for paedos.
[Scot]I. Welsh Decent Ride 262: Two fuckin slimy paedo bodybuilder types in suits.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Headland [ebook] ‘D’you think I’m a paedo or something?’.
[Scot]I. Welsh Dead Man’s Trousers [35]: [P]lanted on some noncey paedo sex case.
[Aus]P. Papathanasiou Stoning 91: ‘Not everyone’s a paedo’.
C. Moran in Times Mag. 6 Nov. 9/2: The word I hear teen using with the most vim is ‘paedo’, alongside ‘nonce’, ‘incel’, and ‘a bit rape-y’.
[Aus]A. Nette Orphan Road 170: ‘[M]y friend [...] decorates [the wall] with an update about where people can find their local, neighbourhood pedo’.
[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 178: Pervy [...] ped-o priests were hard-braced.