Green’s Dictionary of Slang

five-finger(ed) adj.

In compounds

five-finger discount (n.) (also five-finger grab)

(orig. Aus./N.Z./US) the act and proceeds of shoplifting, stealing; thus five-finger grabber, a shoplifter.

[[UK]G. Walker Detection of Vyle and Detestable Use of Dice Play 39: Then lead they the cousin to [...] the bear baiting at Paris garden, or some other place of throng, where, by five fingered figg boy [...] picked shall be his purse].
[UK]Empire (Sydney) 24 Apr. 8/5: [He] procured some $40 or £50 worth of goods, including a wedding ring, from an industrious storekeeper [...] and, asking for a few matches, rode away with his companion ‘Five-fingured Jack’.
[US]J. O’Hara Appointment in Samarra 188: [S]ometimes after a tour of the store the gang would meet [...] and show what they had got in the Five-Finger Grab: pencils, magnifying glasses, screw drivers [...] some of the things that would be produced by the proud five-finger grabbers.
J.M. Brewer in Dundes Mother Wit (1973) 241/2: Five-finger discount (stealing) pays off.
[UK]D. Gram Foxes (1980) 42: ‘Loser got it for me.’ ‘Five-finger discount, oh yeah!’.
[Aus]N. Keesing Lily on the Dustbin 38: To shoplift is to get [...] a five-finger discount.
[US]‘Jennifer Blowdryer’ Modern English 25: kipe (v): A Brit word for shoplift, five finger discount.
[UK]K. Lette Llama Parlour 16: We didn’t use the term ‘stealing’ in my house. Anything shoplifted was simply called a ‘five-finger discount’.
[US]Source Oct. 178: A snatching motion that suggests the five-finger discount.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus 3 in Viz 98 Oct. 13: five-finger discountn. A 100% discount given on any goods in a shop achieved by half-inching them rather than offering payment. Much taken advantage of by second rate TV celebrities.
[US]Thirstin Howl III ‘John They’re Stealing’ 🎵 Five-finger discounts, I steal the mannequins / Window displays and Chinese stand wig mounts.
[Aus](con. 1943) G.S. Manson Coorparoo Blues [ebook] ‘[Y]ou don’t go knockin’ off some joker over a bit of the five-finger discount’.
five-fingered exercise (n.)

1. (Aus. und.) the fingers in the context of pick-pocketing.

[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 16 Nov. 4/4: I got my hand, accidentally, into a old joker's kick, but ’e had nothing [...] and a nother bloke got ’is five I finger exercises on to me, which was dry hash, as [...] I’d left my I staff at ’ome.

2. masturbation.

[UK](con. 1960s) A. Frewin London Blues 68: He also says they [i.e. pornographic books] are for blokes who like dating handkerchiefs and practising five-finger exercises.
five-finger(ed) Mary (n.) (also five-fingered Annie)

the hand, as used for masturbation.

[US]C. Shafer ‘Catheads [...] and Cho-Cho Sticks’ in Abernethy Bounty of Texas (1990) 204: five-finger Mary, n. – masturbation.
[US] (ref. to late 1960s) B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 116: The masturbator’s best girl friend – his hand: the thumb is the mother to the four fingers. [...] five-fingered Annie (late ’60s).
[US]L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 191: I had fucked Claymore Face, when the ache and boredom got to be too much; it was either Claymore Face or Five-Fingered Mary.
[US](con. 1969) N.L. Russell Suicide Charlie 128: It was off to the ammo bunker for a visit with Five-fingered Mary.
P. McCorduck Edge of Chaos 🌐 At that time he has sunk his cock into exactly two pussies, because he doesn’t count dry-humping, blowjobs, handjobs, or five-fingered-mary.
five-fingered salute (n.)

(US) a gesture of derision, placing the thumb on the tip of the nose and fanning out and wriggling the four fingers.

J.W. Ganzhorn I’ve Killed Men 124: When I got it in my hands, the seagoing cowboy gave him a five-fingered salute, went over the side and waved farewell to the Navy.
Mount Pleasant (IA) News 4 Sept. 4/3: [photo caption]: A five-fingered salute and Bronx cheers are directed at Rev. Lowell N. Cantrell, [...] who was arrested and found not guilty of ‘sauntering and loitering’ as he picketed Boston armory, draft registration headquarters.
W. Henry No Survivors (1996) 60: I threw him a five-fingered salute, being satisfied to see him take it and go white in the face.
J. Gross Lives of Rachel 317: But neither the five-fingered salute to the heavens nor the rapid drawing of the cross in the murky air had the slightest effect on the crowd.
five-fingered widow (n.) (also widow five-finger)

masturbation; possibility that cite 1856 refers to a prostitute who offers masturbation as part of her ‘menu’.

[US]Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 23 Aug. n.p.: Anthony — says he has quit visiting the ‘five-fingered’ widow.’ Is that so [...] Did you send to Mobile for that bigger, whiter pocket-handkerchief?
[US]C. Himes Third Generation (1956) 190: ‘How’d you make out,’ Harvard asked [...] ‘Visit with the widow?’ — ‘Old widow five fingers’, Charles suplemented, knowingly.
[UK](con. WWII) B. Aldiss Soldier Erect 43: Stick to the old five-fingered widow and you won’t go far wrong [...] The five-fingered widow was my own constant companion. Never a day went by but a marriage was arranged.
C. Allen Plain Tales from Raj 159: Many turned, as a last resort, to the ‘five-fingered widow’.
[UK](con. 1940s) in P. Fussell Wartime 110: Such surely had frequent recourse to ‘the old five-fingered widow,’ as one of the NCOs [...] puts it.
[US]C. Curtis ‘Mitosis’ 🌐 Where’d you be without us females? Playing with the five-fingered widow wouldn’t ya?
posting at 30 Apr. 🌐 An ugly old broiler is still a lot more pleasure than a collection of Porn and the five fingered widow.
five-finger sandwich (n.)

(Aus.) a punch.

David Bowie in Sun. Times Mag. July at 🌐 San Francisco has more uptight bigots than anywhere else in the world. You’ve only got to say ‘Frisco’ to get a five finger sandwich.
[Aus]G. Seal Lingo 119: More terms concerned with the pugilistic include [...] a five-finger sandwich.

In phrases

use the five-fingered chequebook (v.)

(N.Z.) to shoplift.

G. Preston Ruby and Rata [film script] I had to use my five-fingered chequebook [DNZE].