Green’s Dictionary of Slang

conjobble v.

[SE pfx con-, together + job n.2 (2), but note jabber; + 17C job, sexual intercourse]

1. to settle, to discuss.

[UK]R. L’Estrange Fables of Aesop LXXIII 73: What would a body think now of a Prime Minister that should Conjobble Matters of State with Tumblers and Buffoons?
[UK] in Bailey Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. n.p.: Conjobble, to chat together.
T. Amory John Buncle (1770) III 75: By conjobbling matters of faith in this manner, they saw, we had three distinct selfs equal in power and all possible perfections.

2. to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 11: Every time you Conjobble together, may he Beget your Belly full of Live Crabs and Craw-Fish.