Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kaaskop n.

[Afk. kaas, cheese + kop, head]

(S.Afr.) a Dutchman.

[SA] informant in DSAE.
[SA]D. Muller Whitey 84: Trust my luck to marry the only Kaaskop in the world who was not a tightwad.
C. Robertson in Star 31 May 4: We call one another Kaaskoppe, Boere, Hotnots, Porras or Seekajers, Yanks, Pommies or Rooineklce, Aitaais, Kefliegrieke, Kafirs or Bantu ... Dias laid the cornerstone of the ‘Porras’; Van Riebeeck that of the ‘Kaaskoppe’ [DSAE].