Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ramscootrify v.

[Scot. ramscooter, to induce panic]

1. to defeat verbally.

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2. (also ramscooter, ramskooter) to beat up.

Bon-Accord 18 June 16: Tho’ Teenie shood ramskooter my heed wi’ the bakin’-roller fam I came hame i’ the mornin’.
J. Service Memorables xiii: Ye little hempy, I’ll — I’ll ramscootrify ye!’ and I shook the little dyvour till its teeth chattered in the heid o’t.
Transactions Eng. Assoc IV 27: When Malcolm ramscootered the Danes.
Football Times 11 Sept. n.p.: When gang warfare broke out the cry of the leader was — ‘I’ll ramskooter the lot.’.
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