Green’s Dictionary of Slang

suspish n.

also suspich

a suspicion.

[WI]C. Rampini Letters from Jamaica 217: What is dis? It favour like you have a suspich ’pon me, ma’am.
Bulletin (Kackson, MS) 20 Oct. 2/3: Dena [he] goa toa da hotel to tella everybody he have a suspish, Damma deesa suspish/.
[US]Ade Girl Proposition 75: She began to have a dim and twinkling Suspish that this Boy Wonder was a Two-Spot.
[UK]Gem 4 Nov. 5: And I reckon the fellows there won’t have a suspish. either.
[UK](con. 1916) F. Manning Her Privates We (1986) 207: If they haven’t got a suspish already, they’ll be wonderin’.
Bournemouth Gaz. 3 July 7/3: We had two big national conferences in the town [...] Did they clash in any way? Not a suspish.