Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rumbo adj.

[rumbo n.3 ]

1. elegant, fashionable.

[UK]Man of Pleasure’s Illus. Pocket-book n.p.: [I]f you do the coakham, and tumble to the slum, you may fake the duck in rumbo style.
[UK]Western Dly Press 24 Oct. 4/3: Such expressions these—‘fake the cly,’ ‘rumbo cully,’ ‘nante denali,’ ‘varda my nibs,’ &c, have some means got out of their proper channel, and have been appropriated by third-rate actors.
[UK]Albert Chevalier ‘Our Court Ball’ 🎵 Ses I ‘Yer a good ’un!’ ‘I’m rumbo!’ she sed. Ses I ‘Smart an’ clever.’ Ses she ‘S’elp me never!’.
[UK]Sheffield Wkly Teleg. 4 jan. 8/1: If the carts was all rumbo and the ’orses all rumbo [...] you couldn’t git me at that game.

2. plentiful, sufficient.

Hazlewood & Williams Leave it to Me i: Fifty pounds! Oh, what a coal and tater shop I will have... Is that rumbo? (holds out his hand) [F&H].
[UK]Sat. Rev. (London) 14 May, 700: We know how to make the ghost walk when biz is rumbo, and what it is that makes the company multicattivo [F&H].
[UK]Pall Mall Gazette 21 Dec. 8/1: But if the carts are all rumbo, and there was no tickets and no jumpers [F&H].
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘Follow My Leader’ Sporting Times 27 Oct. 1/4: I’m all rumbo and making no fuss!