bully n.1
1. a good fellow, a companion [post-18C use is mainly US].
Comedye Concernyng Three Lawes (1550) Ciii: sodomisnus: The woman hath a wytt, And by here gere can fytt, Though she be sumwhat olde. It is myne owne swete bullye [...] My gelouer and my cullye, Yea myne owne swete hart of Golde. | ||
Case Is Altered II iv: By your favour, sweet bullies, give them room. | ||
Merry Devil of Edmonton IV i: Mine host, my bully, my precious consul. | ||
Works (1869) III 67: Pump bullies, Carpenters, quick stop the leake. | ‘Praise of Hemp-Seed’ in||
Tinker of Turvey 9: To tell you true my Bulleys, I looke for Guests this day, if you will Dine with me you shall be welcome. | ||
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk II 330: Wipe, my pretty minion, wipe my little bully. | (trans.)||
Songs and Poems 83: Come a brimmer (my bullies) drink whole ones or nothing. | ‘The Prisoners’||
Siege Act V: Here, my bullies! A health to Agamemnon! | ||
A Character of London-Village 2: In comes a Cockt-up Bully, Looking big, With Deep-fring’d Elbow Gloves, and Ruffl’d Wig. | ||
Old Bachelor II i: Ah, my Hector of Troy, welcome my bully, my back! | ||
Amusements Serious and Comical in Works (1744) III 120: How now, you two confederate brimstones, where are you swimming with your fine top-knots, to invite some Irish bully or Scotch Highlander to scour your cloven furbelows for a petticoat pension? | ||
Wandering Spy 1 9 June 4: Private Sinners in the Surgeon’s powdering Tub; Town-Bullies pimping at Bawds Chamber-Doors. | ||
York Spy 26: Over against the George, two Bullies met each other. | ||
Letters II 407: Shadwell is of Opinion, that your Bully with his Box and his false Dice is an honester Fellow. | ||
Miscellanies V (1736) 208: Joan cudgels Ned, yet Ned’s a Bully / Will cudgels Bess, yet Will’s a Cully [...] Die Joan and Will; give Bess to Ned, / And ev’ry Day she combs his Head. | ‘Joan cudgels Ned’ in||
Song of Bewick and Grahame 5: I think it is my nighest Friend, I think it is my Bully Grahame. | ||
The Tricks of the Town Laid Open (4 edn) 33: The Squires, Beaus, Cits, Bullies, &c. that come all crowding in Shoals. | ||
Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) Preface: To these brisk souls I mean to shew, / That full four thousand years ago / Some men were knaves, and some were bullies, / And some were asses, fools, and cullies. | ||
Spanish Rivals I i: Two bullies in the stocks never bore a pelting in the stocks with more patience than you and I did at St. Roche. | ||
New London Spy 130: Brown Bear, a house frequented by bloods, bullies, pimps. | ||
Bucktails (1847) III ii: I think I had her there, my bully! | ||
Paul Clifford I 72: Be a bob-cull, – drop the bullies, and you shall have the blunt! | ||
Clockmaker III 149: Slick, my bully, I think I see a smart chance of doin’ a considerable stroke of business. | ||
Reformed Gambler 163: An old man [...] who appeared to be chief of the squad, called out in an authoritative tone, ‘Bullies, your presence on the after guard!’. | ||
Queen’s Sailors III 249: Boys, who believed their mess-bullies possessed the most profound knowledge of nautical human affairs. | ||
Forty Years a Gambler 51: I got into a game with one of their bullies. | ||
Southern Reporter 9 Nov. 4/4: Salute him, buillies, He’s the charley-pitcher for to handle this butter-box. | ||
Mr Trunnell Mate of the Ship ‘Pirate’ Ch. i: I saw what ye were when I first raised ye coming along the dock, and sez I, ye’re just my size, my bully. | ||
Salt-Water Ballads 4: And the crew yelled ‘Take our love to Liz— / Three cheers, bullies, for old Pier Head’. | ‘Yarn of the Loch Achray’||
Day Book (Chicago) 22 July 7/2: Why that’s Bully Richardson, the best football player Annapolis ever had. | ||
L.A. Times 20 Mar. 176/3: ‘Come, bullies! Sing out!’. | ||
Mules and Men (1995) 69: Wake up, bullies, and git on de rock. ’Tain’t quite daylight but it’s four o’clock. |
2. a thug hired for purposes of violence or intimidation.
Fables of Aesop XI 10: In comes a Crew of Roaring Bullies, with their Wenches, their Dogs and their Bottles. | ||
Epsom Wells II i: A Company of them that lye upon the snap for young Gentlemen, as Rooks and Bullies do for their Husbands when they come to Town. | ||
True Character of a Scold 6: She [...] ferrets his Haunts abroad worse than a needy Bawd does a decay’d Bully’s. | ||
Soldier’s Fortune I i: I shall be ere long as greasy as an Alsation bully. | ||
London Spy I 10: He can [...] out Huff a Bully, out Wrangle a Lawyer, out Cant a Puritan, out Cringe a Beau, out Face Truth and out Lye the Devil. | ||
Amusements Serious and Comical in Works (1744) III 14: Turn out there, you country putt, says a bully with a sword two yards long. | ||
Tale of a Tub 133: He looked like a drunken Beau, half rifled by Bullies. | ||
Lives of the Gamesters (1930) 143: This fellow [i.e. Bully Dawson] was a noted bully about London for many years. | ||
Narrative of Street-Robberies 52: Two Bullies came into the Room, who beat him to that Degree, he could scarce see for a Fortnight. | ||
Harlot’s Progress 18: And dread the very Name of Whoring, / As little Culls do Bullies Roaring. | ||
Adventures of Gil Blas I 133: One of your professed bullies, who take upon themselves the office of arbiters. | (trans.)||
Memoirs of an Oxford Scholar 54: In a few Minutes we were in the Throng of Bullies, Sharpers, Pimps, Pickpockets and Gentlemen. | ||
Choice Spirits Museum 13: But ask the Bullies, Bawds and Whores, Who most in vice excell. | ||
Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 93: Now paris, like our modern bullies / Fancy’d he could not scare the cullies [...] Unless he clench’d it with an oath. | ||
New Cheats of London Exposed 24: bullies [...] Their rendezvous is among bawds and whores; they eat their bread and fight their battles; hector and insult their cullies, gather sometimes their contribution and occasionally pimp, betray and set . | ||
Burlesque Homer (4th edn) I 4: To this sad pass the bully’s freaks / Had brought his countryfolks the Greeks. | ||
Petition Against Tractorising Trumpery 71: Choose a chief before you start, A bully bold as Bonaparte. | ||
Spirit of Irish Wit 117: ‘Did you not say this gutter bully [...] received the first asault’. | ||
Boxiana I 6: [note] His Lordship was very fond of larking, and whenever he could not come through the piece in style, hooper appeared as his bully [...] and many a time he has saved his patron a good milling. | ||
(con. early 17C) Fortunes of Nigel II 131: An extravagantly long rapier and poinard [...] marked the true Alsatian bully. | ||
‘Richardson, the Showman’ Bentley’s Misc. Feb. 180: Smithfield became [....] the rendezvous of bullies and bravoes, till it earned the appropriate name of ‘Ruffians’ Hall’. | ||
Flash (NY) 26 Sept. n.p.: Scorpion apologize! — to a bawdy house bully! | ||
Barry Lyndon (1905) 37: I hope to spoil this sport [...] and trust to see this sword of mine in yonder big bully’s body. | ||
Frank Fairlegh (1878) 482: You’re a willain, and I could find in my heart to serve you as your precious nephew [...] and his hired bullies have served me. | ||
Recollections of G. Hamlyn (1891) 237: Not with long streaming ribands down his back, like a Pitt Street bully, but with short and modest ones, as became a gentleman. | ||
Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 3/4: Deserving of the Lash [...] for refusing to pay hired bullies after employing them to fight for him. | ||
Pauper, Thief and Convict 125: The knot of bullies who are the accursed henchmen of the stew. | ||
Wanderings of a Vagabond 229: To preserve order at least one bully was maintained on the premises. | ||
Police! 348: ‘Picking-up molls’ [...] are ‘put on’ to old ‘swells’ who are the worse for drink, or farmers and other who may be in the same condition, and having got them into corners or secluded places, ease them of their money and watches. Should an outcry be made, their ‘guns,’ or ‘bullies,’ come to their help. | ||
Child of the Jago (1982) 96: A patron arrived who knew him of old; who had employed him, indeed, as ‘minder’ — which means a protector or bully, as you please to regard it. | ||
Pitcher in Paradise 130: The bully showed his teeth and drew his fist back. | ||
Day Book (Chicago) 4 Nov. 11/1: A hardened ill-feeling bully gets a sound slap in the face from the hands of a pretty girl [...] the big, strong, brutish man who rules [...] by the right of physical strength. | ||
Eve. Star (Wash., DC) 11 Apr. 58/4: Wait!’ the bully exclaimed. ‘Dead men can tell no tales’ [...] Have I not come [...] with special orders for this business. | ||
Window on Soweto 58: We heard voices screaming and we looked. There were six bully-like white fellows in the car, gesticulating with their fists. |
3. a pimp, a procurer.
Nights Search I 53: Come my little Pander [...] Go on my bully, as thou hast begun; Ile pay thee bravely, when thy worke is done. | ||
‘Believe Me, Dear Mall’ in New Songs 47: Let the wealth of thy Cully Provide for thy Bully, Then his weapon will always be ready. | ||
Squire of Alsatia I i: [stage direction] Enter hackum and another Bully. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Bully, c. a supposed Husband to a Bawd, or Whore. | ||
Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring 6: We Pimps and Bullies keep to be our Bail, / When Sharping Baliffs nabb us for a Jayl. | ||
Lives of Most Noted Highway-men, etc. I 135: A grim-fac’d Bully [...] looking out of the Window. | ||
Expensive Use of Drinking Tea I 19: Every Bully that goes, thro’ his Familiarity with the Pox, [...] must have a Dish to talk over his foul and obscene Discourse. | ||
Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 65: A Street pretty famous for furnishing young Prentices with Women’s Flesh, and for being the common Receptacle of Bullies. | ||
Life and Character of Moll King 8: Here you might see Ladies of Pleasure [...] attended by Fellows habited like Footmen, who were their Bullies. | ||
Thief-Catcher 10: Desperado Bullies keep large Houses and pay considerable Rent. | ||
‘The Rakes of Stony Batter’ in A. Carpenter Verse in Eng. in 18C Ireland (1998) 339: But when their cash is gone, they’ll hunt for a Cully, / And bring the splinters home, to their beloved Bully. | ||
Vicar of Wakefield (1883) 147: The lady was only a woman of the town, and the fellow her bully and a sharper. | ||
Frauds of London 16: Bullies are dependants on Bawds and Whores; sometimes the Bully pretends to be the husband of the whore, whose bread he eats, whose quarrel he fights, and at whose call he is always ready to act and do as commanded. | ||
Memoirs (1995) III 148: He [...] picked up culls and would have turned bully for us, had he spirit enough. | ||
‘The Rakes of Stony Batter’ in | I (1975) 223: And bring their splinters home, to their beloved Bully.||
Stranger’s Guide or Frauds of London 4: [as cit. 1770]. | ||
Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) 11 105: They play the comedy of love in many masks; and are the prude, the coquette, or the virago, as they fall in with the quiz, the coxcomb, or the bully. | (trans.)||
Spirit of Irish Wit 230: ‘He would not part with his supper [...] for all the demi-reps and bullies from Cork to Antrim ’. | ||
London Guide 126: In the house of ill-fame [...] you get kicked and abused by the bully, who is always in attendance and understands the use of his fists. | ||
Memoirs (trans. W. McGinn) II 194: Gueuvive, or Antin, was a fencing master, who [had] served as bully to the lowest prostitutes. | ||
N.-Y. Daily Advertiser 25 Nov. 1/7: On Friday morning, Mrs. Ellen Lazard, the mistress of a house of infamy at No. 16 Centre street with [4 whores] and Charles Van Doren, the bully of the house [were arrested]. | ||
‘The Fine Young Common Prostitute’ Cuckold’s Nest 41: She kept a regular bully big, / They call him Irish Mike, / He collared all her ochre, / And he had meat when he liked. | ||
‘The Swell Coves Alphabet’ Nobby Songster 27: B. for bilking bulleys, and old bawds of their pay. | ||
Night Side of London 40: A lounge open all night for the entertainment of bullies and prostitutes. | ||
Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 11 Apr. n.p.: I live conveniently near toy your den of infamy [and] hear all that passes among your bullies. | ||
(con. 1840s–50s) London Labour and London Poor IV 358/1: The generality of the girls of the Haymarket have no bullies, but live in furnished apartments. | ||
Wild Boys of London I 140/1: Michael noticed a deal of whispering going on between Lady Bet and her bully. | ||
London Life 6 Sept. 5/2: Under the Railway Arch was at least twenty prostitutes, and at least as many roughs, who I suppose were their Fancy Men or Bullies. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 21 Mar. 13/1: So blasphemous had this praying business become during the rouseabout days of Domitian that the giddy ladies of Rome used to hire the priests to offer up prayers, and to say Masses, as it were, for the success of their gladiatorial bullies, or fancy-men, in the prize arena. | ||
My Secret Life (1966) III 446: ‘Call up Bill,’ said she to the girl. I saw that a bully was about to be let on me, and my heart beat hard and fast. | ||
Truth (Sydney) 9 Dec. 5/3: [H]e is the worst brothel-bully in Wooloomooloo [...] and he lives on a lot of unfortunate women . | ||
Twenty-Five Years of Detective Life I 17: ‘Bullies,’ or ‘Coshers’ were another kind of criminals [...] They got hold of some girl whom they compelled to lead a loose life. | ||
Ulysses 301: Blind to the world up in a shebeen in Bride street after closing time, fornicating with two shawls and a bully on guard, drinking porter out of teacups. | ||
They Drive by Night 209: Who was Big Harry? He must be that wretched creature’s bully. [...] To think that a woman should sell her favours, insult a man by asking him for money, and then hand the money over to some oily brute. | ||
Absolute Beginners 187: The disproportionate number of coloured ‘bullies’ could not be denied. | ||
Queens’ Vernacular. |
4. a braggart, a boaster.
Love in a Wood IV i: A Bully that fights not himself, yet takes pleasure to set people together by the ears. | ||
Saints in Uproar in Works (1760) I 74: How now, bully Royster. | ||
Dialogue from Hell of Cuckoldom 17: We [...] left our Estates to our Wives at our Death, who will be sure to bestow them on some Silly, Hectoring spend-thrift Bully of Alsatia. | ||
in Pills to Purge Melancholy II 54: Gad Damn-me, cries Bully, ’tis done, / Or else I’m th’ Son of a Whore. | ||
New Canting Dict. | ||
Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. | ||
Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) 1 172: Among the number was one of those professed bullies, who set up for great dons, and are the complete cocks of the tennis-court. | (trans.)||
Homer Travestie (1764) I 77: Go, bully, go, and learn at school, / First to obey, and then to rule. | ||
She Stoops to Conquer Act IV: I find him no better than a coxcomb and a bully. | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: bully, a cowardly fellow, who gives himself airs of great bravery. | |
Morn. Post (London) 28 June 3/4: He could not believe that his conduct had been such as the stupid, shirtless rapscallion and bully [...] had said. | ||
(con. early 17C) Fortunes of Nigel I 311: You will meet bullies and sharpers, who will strive either to cheat or to swagger you out of your money. | ||
Peter Simple (1911) 75: There’s that big bully of a Scotchman coming up the hill. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open 101: Bully, a cowardly blustering fellow. | ||
, | Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. | |
Sl. Dict. |
5. a prostitute’s client.
View of London & Westminster (2nd part) 2: And would it not be equally bold and barbarous, to enslave a Beau or Bully with the Tyranny of the Third Commandment. | ||
Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 187: There were two of her Bullies who doted on her beyond all the rest, a couple of smart young Fellows, who had abundance more in their Pockets, than they had in their Heads. |
6. (US Und.) a cosh, a ‘life preserver’.
Vocabulum 15: bully. A lump of lead tied in a corner of a kerchief. | ||
(con. 1950-1960) Dict. Inmate Sl. (Walla Walla, WA) 20: Bully – a weapon consisting of a lump of lead secured in a handkerchief. |
In compounds
see separate entries.
(UK Und.) a criminal who, pretending to be drunk, starts a fight with a stranger so that his accomplices can rob the victim.
New and Improved Flash Dict. n.p.: Bully bancos fellows who prowl the streets in tens or dozens, and one of the party assuming drunkenness takes occasion to quarrel with some genteely dressed person, whose appearance indicates hi[s] having property about him, (the thief[’s]) associates come up, surround, and plunder him. |
a thug who deliberately starts fights between others, so as to rob them in the confusion.
Sl. and Its Analogues. |
one who deliberately encourages quarrels so as to rob those who are engaged in the argument.
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. n.p.: bully-cock a Hector or Bravo who sets on People to quarrel, pretending to be a Second to them; and then making Advantage of both. | |
Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Londres et les Anglais 313/1: bully cock, filou qui suscite des querelles, afin de voler les personnes avec lesquelles il se dispute. |
a brainless chatterer, a talkative bore.
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Bully-fop, a Maggot-pated, huffing, silly ratling Fellow. | ||
New Canting Dict. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. | |
New Dict. Cant (1795) n.p.: bully fop, a silly rattling fellow, kept in a bawdy-house for the purpose of deception. |
a pimp.
Lives of the Gamesters (1930) 147: To which Bully-hack thus reply’d, That if she doubted the truth of what he had said [etc.]. | ||
Hist. of the remarkable Life of John Sheppard 52: I went to Shoe-lane end but there meeting with a Bully Hack of the Town. | ||
Hist. of Col. Francis Charteris 30: His Grace was wondering how the Devil the [...] Bully-Hacks of the Town did run themselves headlong into Duels [...] on every trifling Occasion. |
see hector n.
one who poses as a prostitute’s husband then defrauds her client of his money by threats of violence or blackmail.
Canting Academy (2nd edn) 74: No man more constantly imployeth his Brains than this Bully-Huff. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Bully-huff, a poor sorry Rogue that haunts Bawdy-houses, and pretends to get Money out of Gentlemen and others, Rattling and Swearing the Whore is his Wife, calling to his assistance a parcel of Hectors. | ||
Hudibras Redivivus I:8 14: Because they love like Bully Huff, / To Things decide by Kick and Cuff . | ||
New Canting Dict. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. | |
Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: A bully huff cap; a hector. | ||
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
(con. 18C) Guy Mannering (1999) 149: Here, mother [...] here’s a cup of the right for you, and never mind that bully-huff. | ||
Sussex Advertiser 14 Apr. 4/3: [We] soon passed a long string of gaggers, priggers, Adam Tylers, fancy coves, autum [sic] morts, gammoners, sweetners, uprightmen, bully huffs, lully priggers, star gazers, and coves of all sorts. | ||
Sussex Advertiser 14 Apr. 4/3: [We] soon passed a long string of gaggers, priggers, Adam Tylers, fancy coves, autum [sic] morts, gammoners, sweetners, uprightmen, bully huffs, lully priggers, star gazers, and coves of all sorts. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open. |
see separate entries.
1. a boon companion.
Merry Wives of Windsor II i: How now, bully-rook! thou’rt a gentleman. | ||
Witty Fair One III iv: Hang fevers! let’s to the tavern, and inflame ourselves with lusty wine, suck in the spirit of sack, till we be delphic, and prophesy, my bully-rooke. | ||
Honoria and Mammon V i: What do we fight for? – For pay, for pay, my Bull-rooks. | ||
Sullen Lovers 60: [N]ow honest Roger, my dear Bully-Rock, I’le stay with thee, prethee kiss me, thou art the honestest Fellow in the World. | ||
in Madam Fickle II i: Not a Bully Rock of ’em all can come near thee for Gallantry. | ||
In Praise of York-shire Ale 2: My Bully Rocks, I’ve been experienced long In most of Liquors, which are counted Strong. | ||
in Comical Hist. of Don Quixote Pt III Epilogue: Yes – There’s a Swinger – by you Bully-Rocks. | ||
Homer Travestie (1764) II 191: Well hast thou spoke, / My much-respected bully rock. | ||
Burlesque Homer (4th edn) I 15: Thou my bully-rock will back me. |
2. a hired thug, e.g. in a brothel.
Rabelais I vii: Bully-rocks, and rogues. | (trans.)||
Maronides (1678) V 50: For you must know he took’t in snuff / That any Rock should him out-huff. | ||
Compleat Gamester Preface: The Bully-Rock, with mangy fist, and Pox, Justles some out, and then takes up the Box. | ||
Bellamira Prologue: What Claps y’have met with, and what punks are sound, / Who are the Bully-rocks: and who gives ground. | ||
She-Gallants II i: Vaun. Geddemme, if I cou'd meet with this Bellamour, I shou'd be provok’d to forbid the Banes, beged, by mincing the Dog to Atoms. Sir I. Aery. Say‘st thou so, Bully-Rock, beged yonder he comes. | ||
[trans.] Comical works of Monsr. Scarron 26: Tell me, Bully Rock, art thou still strong and Iusty? Are the Bona Roba’s kind, and will they venture a Broad-side with one? | ||
New Canting Dict. n.p.: bully-rock, a Hector, or Bravo, one that sets on People to a quarrel, pretending to be a Second to them; and then making Advantage of both. The 29th Order of Villains. | ||
Eng. Dict. (2nd edn). | ||
Homer Travestie (1764) II 134: That bully rock, the bold Tydides, / First leap’d the ditch which three feet wide is. | ||
Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 530: One damasus, a bully rock, / A fellow that would nim a smock. | ||
Diverting Hist. of John Bull and Brother Jonathan 40: John saw Fred come strutting into the parlour, looking like a most invincible bully-rock. | ||
German Romance III 44: In order to have in the vehicle along with me a stout swordsman and hector as spiritual relative and bully-rock so to speak . | ||
Modern Flash Dict. 8: Bully rocks – impudent villains kept to preserve order in houses of ill fame. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open [as cit. 1835]. | ||
Goethe: a New Pantomime 133: Cozen, good bye — shake hands, sweet bully-rook! | ||
Old Tales of a Young Country 11: He had been the Bohemian, the strolling player, the bon camarado of bully-rooks and swindlers. | ||
Works of William Shakespeare xxxiii: The bully rock is the man who does not give ground, who, in our slang phrase, ‘faces the music’. |
1. the penis.
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk I 44: And some of the other women would give these names, my Roger, my cockatoo, my nimble-wimble, bush-beater, claw-buttock, evesdropper, pick-lock, pioneer, bully-ruffin, smell-smock, trouble-gusset, my lusty live sausage. | (trans.)
2. a highwayman who runs contrary to popular fantasies of gentlemanly robbers by shouting and swearing at his victims, in order to intimidate them further.
An Evening’s Love Act III: I’ll bear it off with Huffing; And snatch the Money like a Bully-Ruffin. | ||
Nugae Venales 253: She had learn’d to bounce and huff with any Bully-Ruffin in the Strand, Holborn, or Covent-Garden. | ||
‘Satire’ in Poems on Affairs of State (1968) V 386: Amstrong that bully ruffian spark. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew. | ||
New Canting Dict. n.p.: bully-ruffins Highway-men, or Padders, of the most cruel and desperate kind: Who attack with Oaths and Curses, plunder without Mercy, and frequently murder without Necessity. | ||
Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 97: There came into the Shop a Bully Ruffian with a pair of Whiskers that covered his Face. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. | |
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. |
3. a villain, a thug.
Bombay Gaz. 23 Feb. 9/2: What is the Fives Court [i.e. a centre of boxing] [...] but a college of scoundrelism, where every bullyruffian in the land may gain a fellowship. |
a ruffianly braggart.
Man o’ War’s Man (1843) 397: Now Dick Parker, my lad, what will you and all your saucy bully-swaggers say to that trick? | ||
Tom Bowling II i: You are a sort of bully-swagger, half braggart, half foolish. |
1. a card-sharp, a cheat.
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Bully-trap c. or Trapan, c. a Sharper, or Cheat. | ||
New Canting Dict. | ||
Andrew Jackson 92: [He] compelled every mountybank, and elbow-shaker, frezier, bully-trap, and janizary, lolly-poop, sea-crab, caper merchant. Badger, Dandy-pratt, and Fidlam-ben [...] tu muster in his army. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. |
2. a mild looking man, whose lack of overt aggression fools thugs into thinking that they can take advantage of him.
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. |
3. see bull trap under bull n.5
(UK black teen) a police van.
Attack the Block [film script] 41: Then Moses got shiffed by the feds and them things attacked the bully van and savaged the bluefoot so we jacked the van. | ||
What They Was 50: We got beaten up by some feds in the back of a bully van. |