Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gather v.

1. (US) to win money.

[US]B. Fisher Mutt & Jeff 12 Sept. [synd. strip] We gathered again today. I annexed 70 bucks.

2. (Aus. Und.) to arrest.

[US]A. Stringer Door of Dread 53: ‘Well,’ sez the flatty, showin’ his badge [...] ‘I’m goin’ to gather yuh in, and I’m goin’ to do it right now!’.
[Aus]J. Alard He who Shoots Last 60: We’d better put da skates on. Da coppers might arrive any time now and gather us.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 26 Apr. 44: One of the old rorters up the Cross tugged me coat a week ago. His mail was that if I didn’t weigh in soon I’d be gathered for sure, but, shit, I didn’t expect I’d get dished up like this just on a lousy dud. [Ibid.] 45: The Limp was lucky he wasn’t gathered because those Goulburn jacks are bad bits of furniture and we didn’t have a fix to work the place.