Green’s Dictionary of Slang

call down v.

to scold, to reprimand.

[US] ‘The Jolly Vaquero’ in Lingenfelter et al. Songs of the Amer. West (1968) 337: He’ll wack up’ his blankets, or share his ‘grub’ – / No need of ‘calling him down’.
[US]E. Townsend Chimmie Fadden Explains 12: De Duchess she calls me down hard.
[US]H. Green Maison De Shine 62: Whadda you mean by callin’ me down at the table in front of them dubs?
[US]M. Glass Potash and Perlmutter 22: He started right away to call Barney down for going home early the day before.
[US]T. Thursday ‘It’s Great to be Great’ in Top-Notch Mag. 15 July 🌐 When I took the liberty to call ’em down [...] they smiled superiorly and suggested that I find the nearest exit.
[US]C. Odets Waiting for Lefty Act V: I’m not calling you down either.
[US]J.M. Cain Mildred Pierce (1985) 526: She was in a gloomy, irritable humour going home, and several times called Tommy down for driving too fast.
[US]J. Jones From Here to Eternity (1998) 213: Stark called Willard down about the breakfast eggs.
[UK]B. Beckham My Main Mother 68: You call us down for no reason.
[Can]J. Mandelkau Buttons 155: I cornered him. Argued, spat, called him down and he hit me.
[US]W.D. Myers Outside Shot 137: [A] lot of them would be trying to jive the professor [...] and he would call them down for it.