Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tweegat jakkals n.

[Afk. twee gat jakkals, a jackal with two anuses]

(S.Afr.) a term of extreme vilification.

[SA]CyberBraai Lex. at 🌐 TWEE GAT JAKKALS: The ultimate insult, this phrase cannot really be translated from the Afrikaans because it would come out as ‘jackal with two anal orifices’ which sounds more silly than insulting. A person described as a ‘twee gat jakkals’ most definitely is not to be trusted and should be avoided if possible.
Wavescape Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Jy is ’n twee gat jakkals. (You are a disgusting, devious snake-in-the-grass) Directly translated: ‘You are a jackal with two orifices.’.