Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tantoblin n.

also tantadlin, tantadlin tart, tantavalin
[SE tantoblin, a large, round sweet tart and dial. tantablin tart, cow dung]

1. a piece of excrement.

[UK]E. Gayton Pleasant Notes IV iv 191: Such odour breath’d, & such strong airs were hobling, / As use to ascend from a new laid Tantaublin.
[UK]C. Cotton Valiant Knight 8: [He] gave his foreman a Tantadling.
A Cup of Coffee 1: Remember Coff’, can ye but Piss and Cack? / Jumble’t together, call it Scythian Sack, / Tantavelin, Fogofarto.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Tantadlin tart, a sirreverence, human excrement.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1785].

2. used (derog.) of a person.

[UK]Mercurius Democritus 3-10 Aug. 89: Of Hectors, Pads, Trapans, Priggs, Pmps, / and other new Tantwablins.